Coffee Scoop

Alexa needed a coffee scoop.   I wanted a project for the CNC mill I was rehabilitating.  The Koofiscup was born. 

Required Resources: 3 hours, $10 

Size: 4" x 2.5"x 1"Thick

Materials: Walnut

Finish: Howard' Butcher Block Conditioner

Tools:   Othermill Desktop CNC 

New Techniques:   

CNC Milling:   This wasn't my first project on a CNC mill but it was the first one on the mill I refurbished.  I inherited the parts from several Othermills from work and spent some time and money combining part to rehabilitate one of them.   While there are still some issues (it over heats, the z-axis binds, the power knob leads need to be re-soldered) it was a pretty good first showing,    I've got a couple other upgrades I'd like to make with the position sensing switches and the drive belt, but this CNC mill seems to be back in business. 

Lessons Learned:  

Small, but Loud:  The Othermill Desktop, CNC mill is only about a cubic foot in volume, but dang is that thing loud.  I thought closing the garage door would have been enough noise isolation, but I was wrong.  You could almost feel it in the floor boards upstairs.  I do have an early iteration of the mill, so the prop drive used may put out some extra dBs compared to more recent versions.  Anyways, in order to make this tool less of nuisance, especailly in quarters as close as we are in San Francisco, I would make a noise isolating box to put over the top of the mill; plywood shell, lined with peaked foam.