Maple and Walnut End Grain Cutting Board
A Christmas gift for my partner's mother. Made with the off-cuts of a board I made for my sister. .
Required Resources: 3 hours, $40
Size: 14" x 12" x 1"
Materials: Walnut, Hard Maple, Titebond III (Food safe wood glue)
Finish: Howard's Butcher Block Conditioner (Canuba + Bees Wax + Mineral)
Tools: Band Saw, Jointer, Table saw, Planer Belt Sander, Orbital Sander
New Techniques: Instead of a checker board pattern I aligned the like colored woods. With a little care, I matched the strips such that adjacent squares were aligned with their "mirror", creating an interesting effect on the face of the board.
Lessons Learned:
Alignment, Alignment, Alignment: In this pattern (although not as much with the checker board) offsets between adjacent squares become quite obvious. The solution to this is simple; take more care in the glue up. Or, better yet ,complete the glue up in stages to avoid the complexities of a multi-joint glue up.